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Barney Says

One visit to Bertha’s and you’ll be wishing you could meet Bertha herself, to shake her hand Paul Hollywood style. It won’t be possible, for Bertha is the oven in which these magnificent pies are cooked. The menu features hard hitters like umami bomb and the choker but you’ll find the classics too. Is it the best pizza in Bristol? Quite possibly. It’s a bold claim but we’re willing to fight you on it, right after we’ve finished dipping our crusts in a disgusting amount of chilli honey. 

P.S If you get wind of one of their pizza giros, book book book! There’s few finer nights to be had in Bristol and you’ll experience flavour combinations that will make you question everything, in a good way. 


Bertha’s Pizza, The Old Gaol Stables, Cumberland Rd, Bristol BS1 6WW
